“It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do without Holy Mass.”
-St. Padre Pio
Mass is a celebration of the word of God. Volunteer with one of our Mass Time Ministries and help bring the celebration to life each week. There are ministries suited to all ages, with most requiring a time commitment of 1 mass per weekend.
Altar Servers
The Ministry of Altar Server at St. Augustine Parish is open to all members of the parish who have received their First Communion. Both boys and girls, and men and women are welcome in this liturgical ministry. Servers assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. They participate in the processions and throughout the liturgy performing their duties in a way that adds to the dignity and reverence of the sacred celebration. Training for this ministry is carried out on an individual basis and servers attend the Mass of their choice but are welcome to serve at any of the Sunday liturgies, at Christmas and the Paschal Triduum. If you wish to become part of this ministry or would like more information please call the Office at 613-225-7388 or email: edda@staugustineottawa.ca
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children's Liturgy is provided by adult Ministers of the Word for younger children who may not understand the language and meaning of the scripture readings for Mass. Children's Liturgy is not a baby-sitting service; it is a genuine expression of our common worship where the children participate in the Liturgy of the Word in a way that is meaningful to them. It takes place in an environment that is suited to children. Their Liturgy follows a similar structure to what is celebrated in the main assembly. Children's Liturgy, for children between ages 4 and 11, takes place during the 10:30 am Sunday Mass. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information, please contact Denis Therrien at 613-228-7646 or denis.therrien@bell.net.
Collection Counters
Collection counters work with the Finance Council to ensure that the Sunday and special collections are properly counted and deposited in the bank. Working in groups of two or more collection counters receive, sort, count, verify, and deposit the Sunday and special collections, following the guidelines, protocols, and policies of the Diocesan Administration Manual. Their role is to ensure that the money collected in the church is properly and in a timely manner deposited to the bank. The collections are counted at the church and deposited in the bank immediately after the counting is complete. If you would like more information concerning the Ministry please contact Pat Gignac.
Eucharistic (Extraordinary) Ministers of Communion
Eucharistic ministers are men and women (ages 16 and over) who assist with the distribution of communion, both the body and the blood of Christ, at the Sunday and holy day liturgies. This ministry arose after the Second Vatican Council when the number of priests and deacons (the ordinary ministers of communion) grew fewer in number. As well as assisting with the distribution of communion the minister also ensures that the chalice and ciboria/patens are cleaned after the liturgy. If you feel called to this liturgical ministry or would like more information concerning please contact Gerard Lelievre at gerard.lelievre@sympatico.ca.
Greeters are members of the parish with a gift of welcome and hospitality. Whether it is to a Sunday liturgy, a parish workshop, or a social event, greeters are there to help everyone feel that they belong. Greeters help people connect with the community and other individuals and families so that they feel they are part of what is taking place whether in the church or in the church hall. Greeters provide information, introductions, and invitations to participate fully in the life of our parish community. Currently there are no Greeters at St. Augustine Parish. It is hoped that some members of our community will choose to make this ministry part of their service to the parish as we continue to grow and welcome new members. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information contact Ray and Brenda Gervais at 613-228-6848.
Lectors and Commentators
Lectors as Ministers of the Word proclaim the word of God in the assembly. Lectors do not merely read during the liturgy; they proclaim. Lectors prepare the readings through review and practice but also through prayer and reflection. Through their ministry Lectors open the Word of God to the assembly and give life to the words printed on the page. Lectors and commentators share their respective roles as they exercise their ministry in the community. Commentators assist the community by introducing the liturgy, leading the prayers of intercession and making the announcements. Their role in the liturgy is important as they call the assembly to worship, lead them in prayer, and make known to them the information and events which are of importance to them. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information please contact the Office: 613-225-7388 or email: edda@staugustineottawa.ca.
Music Ministry
Music Ministry is an integral part of the Sunday and holy day liturgy. Through the prayerful selection of hymns, psalm settings, and liturgical music, Music Ministers lead the assembly in sung praise to God. The Masses at Christmas and the Paschal Triduum are shared among the three choirs at the parish. To hear a bit of our practice click here! If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information please contact:
4:30pm Saturday Choir - Michael Trolley at michaeltrolly@gmail.com
9:00am Sunday Choir - James Fraser at 613-224-1382
10:30am Sunday Group - Joe Cousineau at joe_cousineau@yahoo.ca
Sacristans ensure the items used for the celebrations of Mass and Sacraments are clean and in good repair. Sacristans launder the linens used at Mass, ensure the candles are prepared, see to the overall cleanness of the chalices and ciboria, arrange, care for and dispose of plants and other decorations, and generally make sure that the sacristy and sanctuary (altar area) are clean and tidy. Sacristans make certain the environment for our sacred celebrations is a worthy one. If you feel called to this ministry, or would like more information; please the Office: 613-225-7388 or e-mail: edda@staugustineottawa.ca.
Ushers provide the first welcome to parishioners and visitors to the church. Ushers create that important first impression of the character and spirit of the Parish. They assist people who have questions about the church, the liturgy, or practical matters (envelopes, parish registration form, etc). Ushers direct movement; distribute bulletins and materials for special events (candles) and collect the financial offerings and assist with the presentation of the bread, wine and collection. Ushers ensure a safe and healthy environment and need to be ready to respond when there is a disturbance, illness, or other situation requiring special attention. Ushering at St. Augustine Parish is a long-standing Ministry of Service. If you feel called to this ministry or would like more information please contact the Office at 613-225-7388 or edda@staugustineottawa.ca.