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Archdiocesan Update on Masks In Public Spaces

The following text will be posted at all entrances of St. Augustine's church this weekend. It indicates the latest update on masks in public spaces, which was mandated by the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall, as well as the City of Ottawa, yesterday.

This directive is to ensure the safety of all people entering public spaces, including places of worship like our own. Please plan accordingly when attending mass this coming weekend. It is good to see so many returning to mass.


• Mandatory for everyone

"All persons entering or remaining in these premises must wear a mask that securely covers the nose, mouth, and chin as required by the Directive issued under the province’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act."


• 2 years and younger

• Medically-endorsed restriction


• Single file

• Sanitize your hands


• Do NOT do it.

• Though in singing you pray twice it unfortunately spreads COVID droplets everywhere.

• Instead listen prayerfully to the music ministry.


Jesus called me to love my neighbour and be my sisters' and my brothers' keeper. There are vulnerable people in my congregation. The virus is real. And it is dangerous. If I choose to not wear a mask, people could get sick and possibly die. So, I choose. I choose to wear a mask as a way to serve and to love and to spread… the Gospel - while protecting the most vulnerable amongst His worshippers.

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