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The complexities of life in the 21st century make belonging to a local church as difficult, and important, as ever.


We hunger for meaning and purpose in our lives. St. Augustine provides a space to discuss and discover the Church. Everyone is welcome. 

Explore Faith by coming to our next Alpha Session!


Alpha is an excellent program for non-Christians, folks who don’t have any faith or even for members of any Christian community including our own who want to explore their faith on a deeper level. All are welcome.

Our 2020-2021 session dates will be announced soon.


If you are interested in becoming a Catholic, we offer 2 programs:

  1. Our RCIA program, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is an educational and spiritual program that allows you to explore life, faith and God in an informal environment.  

  2. Our RCIC program, Rite of Christian Initiation for Children is very similar to the RCIA program but geared for children and teens that have not been baptized or confirmed and are interested in joining our community.

Contact us if you are interested in joining.

Alpha Program
(Right of Christian Initiation)

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